March (2 points)
When making non-fiction work, the authors have to make sure that everything is accurate and well done. I think involving the person who is being written about is the best way to ensure accuracy and maintain accuracy in the events and said person's behavior. I enjoyed the way this novel takes John Lewis and makes him the narrator of the story. It is not a third person narrative talking about Lewis, but Lewis himself tells the events just how they happened. I think this graphic novel was relevant then, but it is even more so today with the Black Lives Matter Movement at its peak. Once again, people are fighting for something that should've been given to them in the first place. The emphasis on the nonviolent protests parallels to those of today around the country. People are peacefully marching in the streets, and like in the graphic novel, violently stopped by the authorities. I think that a graphic novel such as this one not only serves as a teaching tool but as a way to keep someone so important, such as John Lewis, alive. It works as a way to keep the history recorded and never lose it. In the story, we also glimpse other icons of the civil rights movement, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks. Their inclusion only makes the story more powerful.
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