Best of Young Romance by Kirby and Simon (3 points)

    Young Romance might have become my favorite thing to read. The dramatics of the characters and over-the-top scenarios remind me of old telenovelas (Latin American soap operas)  that I used to watch with my mom. I think this why I found Kirby and Simon's Young Romance so appealing, even though I can't relate to the over-the-top scenarios the characters find themselves in, they still had me hooked and eager to find what would happen next. There is consistency within the characters and events. Even though each had a different leading lady with her own romantic interest, most followed the same trop of the girl and the guy falling in love than one of them leaving the other. I think by doing this, it leaves us wondering what happened next, as well as give a clear path to what kind of lesson was learned. My favorite of the ones I read, The Pitiful Story of a Girl Who Could Find but One Solution to Her Tragic Love, gave me some Rome and Juliet vibes. There was a moment in the comic where it seems life was over for the both of them but it is discovered that the girl wrongfully kills herself thinking her lover has passed. And when are lover finds out something within him dies, however, not physically. His soul went with her the moment she died. But the twist in the end, where it is discovered that the girl's sister is also in love with the man made me go back and analyze and read in between the lines for any clues of her secret love for him throughout the story. That is, also, something I found appealing about Kirby's romance work, the unexpected twist. 



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