Archie Comics (2-4 points)

I didn't grow up around Archie comics but, when I moved to the states with my family years ago, they would be at the cash registers of big grocery stores. Although they weren't of my interest, reading them now is interesting especially because characters like Reggie and Betty would've been on my list for most dislikable characters. 

What I noticed in the first couple of them was what goes around comes back around. Almost like a karma situation where it comes back to bite you. 

Another thing I noticed was the repetition of the characters playing in the same kind of situation. For instance, it felt like Reggie's sole purpose in the comics was to sabotage Archie or anything going good for him. The character of Betty is repeatedly crushing on Archie and will do anything to try and be with him, like plotting with Reggie if it benefits her. 

In some aspects, it felt like a good representation of teenage life in a way that sometimes it is very competitive when it comes to showing up your friends and or/other teens. As well as having crushes and the typical teen obsessed with boys. However, it does feel generalized and stereotypical of teenage life. 

I feel as though Archie's audience were a lot of teens when it first published, and now it has lessened to either those who feel nostalgic or the ones who have had it passed down to from their family. 

However, the modern take on the comics, Riverdale, has brought back the more modern teens into the world of these comics. The Netflix show puts its own spin to the comics yet it still uses the same characters. 


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